Vođeni opštim stanjem i pandemijom korona virusa, odlučili smo da posetimo apartmane Zlatibor Hills Star zbog njihove izolovanosti ali i zbog mnogo drugih sadržaja koji odgovaraju upravo onome što smo tražili.
Ceo kompleks je smešten na prostranom proplanku, bez mnogo saobraćaja i gužve karakteristične za uži centar Zlatibora. To je jedan ogroman plus za naše ljubimce koji mogu slobodno da trče i uživaju u svežem planinskom vazduhu.
Apartrmani su prostrani, opremljeni sa puno detalja a poseduju i činije i prostirke za ljubimce kao i terasu. U okviru kompleksa postoji i odličan restoran kao i spa centar za potpuno uživanje.
Koliko su Simba i Nala uživali slike ne mogu potpuno dočarati. Tim Pet Travel Advisor-a je ovom objektu dodelio 3 šapice a vama toplo preporučujemo da se uverite ii zašto!
Guided by the general situation and the corona virus pandemic, we decided to visit the Zlatibor Hills Star apartments because of their isolation, but also because of many other facilities that correspond to exactly what we were looking for.
The whole complex is located on a spacious glade, without much traffic and crowds characteristic of the center of Zlatibor. This is a huge plus for our pets who can run freely and enjoy the fresh mountain air.
The apartments are spacious, equipped with a lot of details and have plates and rugs for pets and a terrace. Within the complex there is an excellent restaurant and spa for complete enjoyment.
How much Simba and Nala enjoyed the pictures I can’t fully conjure up. The team of Pet Travel Advisor has assigned 3 paws to this object and we warmly recommend you to see for yourself why!