Ako se nekada nađete u blizini planine Rtanj ili Sokobanje toplo vam preporučujemo da posetite i selo Vrmdžu. Mi smo proveli dva relaksirajuća dana u “Vrmdžanskoj oazi” koja sa pravom zaslužuje taj naziv.
Ovoga puta naše pudle Nala i Mića su bili glavni gosti i imali su celo imanje samo za sebe (par kokošaka ćemo zanemariti). Mesto je kao stvoreno za opuštajuća leškarenja u ljuljašci i duge šetnje do obližnjeg Vrmdžanskog jezera poznatom po urbanoj legend o čudovistu koje spava na dnu jezera.
Naglasićemo da je ovo mesto rezervisano za ljubitelje holističkog pristupa, yoge i veganskog načina ishrane. Ako poželite, možete i vi kao Mica i Nala uživati u zvucima gonga.
Vrmdžanska oaza ima sve uslove da ugosti vaše četvoronožne prijatelje jer je standardizovana sa 3 Pet Travel Advisor šapice i sami vlasnici su veliki ljubitelji pasa.
If you ever find yourself near the mountain Rtanj or Sokobanja, we warmly recommend that you visit the village of Vrmdža. We spent two relaxing days in the “Vrmdžanska” oasis which rightly deserves that name.
This time, our poodles Nala and Mića were the main guests and they had the whole property just for themselves (we will ignore a couple of chickens). The place is perfect for lounging in the swing and long walks to the nearby Vrmdžanska Lake – known for its urban legend about the monster that sleeps at the bottom of the lake.
We will emphasize that this place is reserved for fans of holistic approach, yoga and vegan diet. If you wish, you as well as Mica and Nala can enjoy the sounds of gongs.
Vrmdžanska Oaza has all the conditions to host your four-legged friends because it is standardized with 3 Pet Travel Advisor paws and the owners themselves are big dog lovers.