Today we introduce you to the hotel M-Club from Montenegro. It is located on the main road, just above the beach Jazz, near Budva.
Hotel M-Club is a small family hotel with private parking and a green courtyard where you will be greeted by two furry babe’s – Mia (Cocker Spaniel) and Julie (a mix of Dachshunds and Pinscher).
Jazz Beach is on walk distance, but some other beaches can be reached only by your own veicle or rent-a-car, which you can also get directly at the hotel.
We enjoyed Malaya Beach and Ploce the most, but we generally like to drive all along the coast and so we toured everything from Ada Bojana to Igalo.
This location is ideal for shorter destinations such as Luštica on the left to Bečići on the right. Budva is only 5 km away, where we prefer to go to dinner in the evening at the restaurant Perla or Jadran, to take a walk in the Old Town and it is an interesting day trip also to visit the island of Hawaii (St. Nicholas).
The M-Club is categorized with 3 paws and you can see more about the equipment here – but if you have any doubts or additional requirements, feel free to contact them as they will be happy to serve you if possible.
We are really well received everywhere and we become a real pet-friendly community, but these hosts have also become our dear friends, and so after our stay in 2019, there is no visit to Montenegro without going to them.
Plan your next trip with your pet right here and check out why!
Danas vas upoznajemo sa hotelom M-Club iz Crne Gore. Nalazi se na magistralnom putu, odmah iznad plaže Jazz, nadomak Budve.
Hotel M-Club je mali porodični hotel sa privatnim parkingom i zelenim dvorištem u kojem će vas dočekati dve dlakave domaćice – Mia (koker španijel) i Džuli (mešanac jazavičara i pinča).
Do plaže Jazz možete otići i peške, ali do nekih drugih plaža ipak sopstveni prevoz ili rent-a-car, koji možete dobiti i direktno u hotelu.
Mi smo najviše uživale na Malaya Beach i na Pločama, ali generalno volimo da se vozamo po celoj obali i tako smo obišle sve od Ade Bojane do Igala.
Ova lokacija je idealna za kraće destinacije recimo od Luštice na levo do Bečića desno. Budva je na samo 5km gde najradije odemo uveče na večeru u restoran Perla ili Jadran, da se prošetamo u Starom gradu a zanimljiva je i jednodnevna ekskurzija do ostva Hawaii (Sv. Nikola).
M-Club je kategorisan je sa 3 šapice i više o opremi možete videti ovde – ali ako imate nekih nedoumica ili dodatnih zahteva, slobodno ih kontaktirajte jer će vam vrlo rado izaći u susret ukoliko mogu.
Na svakom mestu nas zaista lepo dočekaju i postajemo jedna prave pet-friendly zajednica ali ovi domaćini su postali i naši dragi prijatelji i tako nakon boravka 2019. godine, nema posete Crnoj Gori a da nismo otišli i do njih.
Isplanirajte svoje naredno putovanje sa ljubimcem baš ovde i uverite se zašto!